Full Scale Assault

The artwork has been released for the upcoming LP from Dutch ragers, Vitamin X, entitled, "Full Scale Assault." You can also listen to the title track on the TankCrimes MySpace profile. This record is definitely going to be one of my favorite releases of 2008.

The cover was done by the amazing John Dyer Baizley, who has done art for tons of great bands such as Pig Destroyer, Torche, Skeletonwitch, and his own band, Baroness.

The album drops soon. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Andrew T. Dietz said...

What's up, J? Didn't know you had one of these pieces of shit. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

Also, how in the fuck do you subscribe to other blogs? I can't figure any of this shit out...
