Gorilla Biscuits in your fucking head...

one more time and I'd be in heaven. So last night, some friends and I rode up to Austin, TX to see, the legendary, GORILLA BISCUITS! We rode into town around 9pm and got to the venue just before Terror was supposed to play. So we all sit through Terror and Comeback Kid, anxious to see GB play. Finally, the opening bands finished, and now the actual show was to begin. A huge crowd was already waiting in front of the stage as they did their sound check, and they left everyone in suspense as some random rave music played in the background.

All the members come out and the crowd starts cheering. They get their instruments, and as expected, the first thing people hear is the horns from the beginning of New Direction. Suddenly the entire place blew up! People were flying off the stage. One after the other, stage dives were in full effect; a trampoline was even pulled out for a few seconds as 2 or 3 people went high flying onto the crowd below. The crowd was going crazy and singing along to every word as Civ jumped around the stage, giving his sermon of hardcore punk ethos to the youth, both in age and in heart. By the middle of their set, most of the crowd was soaking wet. Mostly because it was easliy 105 degrees farenheit at the venue but also because they were generous enough to throw water on us to cool us down as well as tossing water bottles into the crowd. They played about everything they had ever released including about 3 covers. The best cover was when they payed homage to one of the best vocalists in hardcore history, Ray Beez, with their cover of Warzone's As One.

Overall, I can say with ease, that this was the greatest show I had ever been to, and I doubt that I will ever experience such energy seeing a single band again. This show has been embedded into my mind, so whenever I hear GB, I will just be flushed with images of the show and be reminded why I got into hardcore.

I'll try to get some pictures posted as soon as I can.

Here's a video that was posted on Youtube.com:

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