We Gotta Keep on Walking...

There's a light up ahead. As if their State of Confusion EP wasn't good enough, Holland's Restless Youth come at you with their first full-length effort, Light Up Ahead, on Complete Control Records. Combining their love of 80's hardcore such as Bad Brains, Dead Kennedys and the like with some killer grooves and Danzig-esque vocals, Light Up Ahead hit you with 10 tracks of raging Dutch hardcore.

From the second the album starts, you know it's gonna be a trip of non-stop jamming. It opens up with Cold Hearted, full speed and relentless, and the album continues at this pace on through the second track, Do You Mind?. Then comes the title track, Light Up Ahead, showing the first apparent sign of RY's utilization of heavy grooving bass lines from their bassist, Kledder. It comes off with a feel of surf rock, taking notes from such bands as the Dead Kennedys. Easing on the more up-beat sound of the previous tracks comes Thieves which takes it at midpace, going heavier and gloomier than previously heard on this record and not unlike the breakdown of Bad Brains' "Supertouch" with RY adding their own touch. They cover 10 tracks in just under 20 minutes, and never lose any intensity at any point on this record as you can see by the final track, Burning, which is just as fast and energetic as Cold Hearted.

1. Cold Hearted
2. Do You Mind?
3. Light Up Ahead
4. One Way Street
5. Thieves
6. Channel Zero
7. Beyond Solitude
8. Anywhere But Here
9. Black & White
10. Burning

Here are some mp3s for those who have never heard this awesome band:
Walk the Earth (State of Confusion EP)
Cold Hearted
(Light Up Ahead LP)

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