Kanagawa Impact, New Writer

Hello everybody, I'm Niko. I'll be helping J out with the blog every once in a while. A bit about me...just a kid from Northern California who likes hardcore a whole lot. I like 90's metalcore (Integrity, Ascension, Deadguy, stuff like that), MMA, and reading stuff that is far too complex for my understanding. But enough about me, let's talk about some bomb ass hardcore punk.

Let's face it, Japan does it better. Better movies, better women, better MMA organizations, and better music. For lack of a better word, Japanese hardcore feels more, well, pure. It's as if they never bothered to look past the early days of punk and hardcore for influence. Fast, raw, and aggressive are words that come to mind when I think of Japanese hardcore. Which brings me to the stellar hardcore punk compilation from the Kanagawa prefecture of Japan. Full of ripping guitar riffs, snotty vocals, and driving drum beats, each band on this CD would fit quite nicely playing alongside Black Flag or Discharge. Finding this gem may prove to be difficult, as it is limited to 1000 CD copies. It was available for a time at Painkiller Records, but it seems to have sold out or been taken down for some other reason. If you can find it, I can't reccomend it's purchase any higher. It even comes in a silkscreened fabric pouch with a cool insert.

Featured bands: Anarchy Condoms, Arms, Brain Eaters, El Camino 53, Final Youth, Flame, Go, Hectics, Holeless, Ignorance, One Way Down, Rawride, Seven to Three

Anarchy Condoms - Fuck Escape
Brain Eaters - Soul Dimention
Final Youth - Warriors Heart
Seven to Three - F.F.N.S.

Anyway, that's it for now. If J doesn't decide I suck too bad then you should see more of me in the future.

Be excellent to each other

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