Weekly Muxtape Madness

Every week I will be compiling a new Muxtape that can be found on the sidebar. A Muxtape is essentially an online mixtape that you can make and share with your friends. There's a max limit of 12 songs, but it makes the song picking process more thought out, and thus makes for better Muxtapes, hopefully.

Currently, I have my "Eternal Burning Soul" Muxtape available. It's 9 tracks of some of my favorite Japanese Hardcore bands. Cheack that out!

Also, feel free to make your OWN Muxtape and post the link in a comment, or post ideas/themes for new Muxtapes, and maybe, I'll use your idea. I have a whole fuckton of music [19,256 Songs; 37.2 Days; 65.96GB according to iTunes. That's enough to make almost 1,605 different Muxtapes without using a song twice.], so Muxtapes might not be limited to just hardcore. I have a lot of metal, hip-hop, indie, amongst other things, so you're welcome to make suggestions of the non-hardcore variety.

Current Muxtape:

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